Rad power bikes seattle phone number
Rad power bikes seattle phone number

rad power bikes seattle phone number

We are a group of dedicated ebike enthusiasts, product designers, and entrepreneurs with a passion for business and technology. The Value Proposition We offer premium ebikes for almost half the cost you can buy a comparable bike for in traditional bike shop, or online through distributors and dealers.


In addition to our online store where you can buy individual replacement parts and accessories we have a full time customer support phone line and email where your technical support questions will be answered same day. We understand what it takes to provide great customer service and support to keep your bike running at its best.

rad power bikes seattle phone number rad power bikes seattle phone number

Rad Power Bikes has been a design /build /maintain full service ebike brand since its inception in 2007. What Differentiates Rad Power Bikes? We intentionally forgo the traditional bicycle distribution channel because the outdated distribution channel means a higher price tag for the consumer. Since then Rad Power Bikes has been at the forefront of electric vehicle technology development from high capacity lithium-ion batteries to ebike status gauges, the ebike is now more than ever ready for the masses. More Information: The Story Behind Rad Power Bikes The idea for Rad Power Bikes was born in rural Northern California in the summer of 2007 when the company launched its first ebike prototypes using lead acid batteries and, at the time, high power brushless motors.

Rad power bikes seattle phone number